Sunday, 11 December 2011

substitute for fossil fuels.

Billions of dollars each year are poured into the development of solar, nuclear, biological, and other energies to substitute for fossil fuels. But so far, issues of cost, efficiency, and scalability call into question the arrival of the next era of energy. Can any alternative sources become viably competitive with fossil fuels? What can we -- as individuals, businesses, and governments -- do to accelerate the rise of clean energy?

Selected videos are available above and at right; the full day's recordings will be posted here as they become available.

In this video, Steve Coll talks with Craig Venter about acting on scientific discovery and dramatic changes to come.

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More patients in Scotland given antidepressants

More patients in Scotland given antidepressants 13 October 2015   From the section Scotland Image copyright Thinkstock Image ca...