Friday 4 September 2009


> Andy Shaw here, long story short, the government are due to pass a law in
> the near future that will outlaw food supplements, force growth hormones
> into the food supply and could even eventually lead to the banning of
> 'organic' produce.yes I know it sounds mad. The EU are changing the law
> from the current way it is, i.e. 'if it's not on a banned substance list',
> then it's legal, to the Napoleonic way of, 'if it is not on an approved
> substance list', then it is illegal.
> We all know we want to do more with our diet i.e. eat better, and more
> quality foods.well when we finally get round to changing our dietary
> habits we would at least like to know that the choice of good, healthy,
> and most importantly SAFE food will be there waiting for us. Well not if
> this comes in.
> They want to irradiate food at source and bring in mass genetically
> modified food, of course neither of these will be the first things that
> will come out of the law which we will see but it is the thin end of the
> wedge. The media suppression on this subject is amazing and I hadn't even
> heard about it myself until January this year.
> Well the petition against this new law is due to end this Saturday on 5th
> September, as I write this 53,129 people have signed this. It is the 2nd
> largest outstanding petition in the country which is outstanding when you
> think that the media coverage is zero towards it.
> Here are the ful list of all government petitions so you can see how many
> have signed up now, it is the Margaret Rotherwell one:-
> If you want to read the full details about what it is and how it will
> seriously affect yours and your children's future then full details are
> below. If you don't want to know the full details but just want to sign
> the petition on the government website then simply go here:-
> it takes about 50 seconds to
> join. I and your children will thank you for doing it.
> Best wishes
> Andy
> PS To the government your signature counts at least as a multiple of at
> least 1,000, i.e.for every email, letter, phone call or signature the
> government believes that there are at least 1,000 other people who simply
> couldn't be bothered to do anything. Going by that statistic the
> government should see that if Codex became public that nearly the entire
> population of the UK would disagree with it!
> PPS We are all too busy and won't get everything done today that we want
> to, but you could do this and maybe make a difference to your children's
> food for the future. If you are one of those that normally would think
> someone else will do it, hopefully you are right they will but if you are
> wrong then you are helping to commit us all to food that will harm our
> future and may shorten our lives.
> Here are my other rough notes and insight on this Codex Alimentarius
> If you already agree I suggest you go and sign up now and then do your
> research , if you want more
> convincing then here are my notes and parts of the email I thought of
> sending to you as I researched it over the last 6 months:-
> As you may or may not know after losing over 10stone on a diet I became a
> life-long study of health I have found many truly disturbing truths which
> are almost impossible to believe regarding the indoctrination of our whole
> way of believing health and longevity to be. Don't worry I'm not going to
> go into them all here!
> What this is about is something small you can do that creates a big
> result. I'm going to ask you to do me a favour and your children and your
> friends and your family and of course yourself a favour and you'll be
> pleased to hear there is no cost. However, if you don't I can assure you
> there will be a cost to your life in the future.
> I've never got involved in any political situation or signed any petitions
> before as frankly I couldn't be bothered, didn't want to add my name to a
> list which I didn't know where it was going to be shown. Basically I had
> too much going on in my own life to really care that much.
> However, this time I have had to move into the light and possibly have
> people think I'm a loon or something for even suggesting what I am about
> to suggest to you. But frankly I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at
> least try as I have an advantage over most people and I have a large
> mailing list so I can speak to a lot of people at once. So if I didn't at
> least try then I would have trouble looking in the faces of my grand
> children as I sat idly by when I could have done something to stop
> something really horrible coming in.
> I can't remember who said it or exactly the wording, but bad things happen
> when those with the power to act do nothing, so here it is.
> The government are signing into power on 31st December 2009 (I believe
> this date has been put back now) the worst regulation there has ever been
> on food and we are stepping back to Napoleonic style law in doing so.
> After watching the video below I started my research and after about 40
> hours research I relented and HAD to sign the petition on the government
> website as I could not in good conscious not do so.
> I am going to ask you to do me and everyone you know including yourself
> the biggest favour of your and their future lives and sign the petition
> below. (takes approx 50 secs)
> But you owe it to yourself not just to sign up but to watch the video and
> get disturbed a little as this will make you send it to all you know as
> well.
> Here is a link to a video that explains what Codex Alimentarius is and how
> its implementation by the end of this year will change the lives of
> everyone you know forever.yet we have heard nothing about it from the
> media.
> I signed the petition when they had about 5,000 names on it in January,
> they now have 15,608. I delayed sending this email whilst I researched it
> so that I could speak to you with full knowledge of this subject before
> asking you to put your name to something.
> So What The Hell Is It Andy That Has Made You Ask For A Favour?
> This video has been done by Ian Crane someone like us who just got
> passionate about something being done wrong in our name. The video is
> quite long at 1 hour 29 minutes but after the first few minutes I figured
> it was wroth my time to watch it. It took me some 40 hours of research to
> conclude that it was worth your time to watch it as well, as I did not
> want to waste your time.
> It may seem like Ian goes on a little, but believe me it is worth
> listening to as there is some very good bits of history in it. And it gets
> a little conspiracy theoryish (well more directly than that) but it really
> is worth giving the benefit of the doubt to. He brings a bit too much
> other stuff in so dilutes his message.
> Notes:-
> * Currently the law is anything not forbidden is permitted, in future it
> is changing to Napoleonic law, that anything not permitted is forbidden
> * Nutrients will be considered as toxins and we therefore need to be
> protected from them
> * Currently on their positive list, glucosumine is not allowed
> * Nutrients will become illegal if they have any impact on the body
> * Under new regs EVERY cow must have growth hormone
> * EVERY animal must be treated with anti-biotics and must have growth
> hormone
> * All food must be irradiated unless eaten locally
> * You will not know if the food has growth hormones in as the law will not
> have to mark it up
> * 106,000 deaths each year from properly prescribed medicines
> * 150,000 deaths each year by medical blunders
> * Only 5% of test subjects have to have some positive benefit following a
> medical test
> * 47,000 die from car accidents and 47,000 firearm incidents in 2002
> * Everyone knows that food has an effect on our behavoiur and our
> lifestyle. Why do you think so many of us now only buy organic farmed
> foods. We are all trying to be healthy. We all take that option, but what
> effect on our behaviour and lifestyle do you think the'll be when we no
> longer know what we are eating.
> * The US has given approval for clone animal food with no labelling on the
> food
> * This is the process of gradualism.yes we will have organic food in 2010,
> but will it still be there in 2040
> * The pharmaceutical companies have virtually bottomless pockets, and this
> will be important why???
> * Napoleonic law ceased to be in the UK in 1215 when the magna carta was
> signed. WTO will impose codex using Napoleonic law. We currently have
> common law, and how that works is that iunless something is specifically
> banned then its ok, where as napoleonic law is, unless something is
> speciffically mentioned in a piece of legislation then it is banned.
> * So the work and cost to get something onto the list is enormous as you
> can see the drug companies allready have to do a lot of work to get their
> drugs passed. So organic farmers and small health remedies coming from all
> over the world don't have deep pockets.
> * The testing process will be so long and so expensive to get something on
> the approved list that the only ones who can afford it are those with very
> deep pockets and a vested interest.
> * They tried to get this in in the US in 1994, and the US revolted against
> it though it was kept out of the national media. * So they turned their
> attention to Europe, and when Europe passes it on 31st Dec, they will have
> their mandate to enforce it around the world. As the legislation to stop
> it in the US only lasts until Codex is accepted in Europe, and it is being
> done under our very noses.
> * The British government has basically washed their hands of this and has
> accepted that they will do whatever they are told to by the EU. Which is
> actually what they have to do by law anyway.
> This is Codex Alimentarius Goals & Objectives from the National Health
> Federation
> - International (Global) Harmonistation
> - Abolition of Organic Farming
> - Introduction of GM food & Livestock
> - Removal of all ingredients labelling
> - Irradiation of food at source (I.E. hitting them with Gamma Rays
> killing virtually all vitamins and enzymes)
> - Restriction of all Natural Remedies
> o To include all supplements, herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic
> remedies, etc
> What this means is:-
> Codex Alimentarius =
> - Unlabeled GM + Processed Foods (Low Nutrient + Low Mineral + Low
> Vitamin values)
> - All Vitamin & Mineral Supplements to be of low (ineffectual)
> dosage
> - Herbs and other Natural Health Remedies to be labeled as Drugs
> - Homeopathic medicines will only be able to be prescribed by a
> Doctor
> The Eu said no to Codex, but in 2005 Codex and the World Trade
> Organisation went to the international court of justice in luxemberg and
> they actually overruled the EU, who said, get this out of here we don't
> even know what it is. But at the ICJ they actually brought about a law
> that forbids Doctors to give information about diseases being curable by
> nutrients. So it is ilegal for a Doctor to say that their condition may
> get better if they change their diet.
> Dr Robert Verkerk

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