Monday 31 August 2009

Health First Grape Seed Extract

Health First Grape Seed Extract

This grape seed extract is 40 to 50 times more potent than the typical grape seed extract sold everywhere. This is because it is made using Masqueleir's third and final patent which utilizes expensive vacuum and low temperature processing to protect the anti-oxidant capabilities of the grape seed. Masqueleir was the researcher who discovered the OPC's in grape seed extract, and researched the many health benefits they provide.

It is highly anti-inflammatory, great for pain relief, the cardiovascular system and cancer. OPC's have a history of being powerful cancer fighters as they protect cells from free radical damage and boost immune response. As reported in PubMed, the conclusion of one study on OPC's and colorectal cancer is: "These data indicate that OPC caused cell death by apoptosis through caspase pathways on human colorectal cancer cell line, SNU-C4."

Most people don't get powerful results using grape seed extract because the extract they use has not been processed correctly so it is largely impotent. And they don't use enough. Even with the highly potent Health First Grape Seed Extract, you have to use a lot when fighting cancer. Use about 12 capsules daily for an early stage cancer, 18 a day for an advanced stage cancer. That's 6 to 9 bottles a month for this very good cancer fighter.

A Special Alpha Lipoic Acid

There is a well known and quite expensive anti-cancer supplement that combines a heavy metal with alpha lipoic acid in order to deliver the alpha lipoic acid into the cell. It has a few other vitamins and nutrients also. Energetic testing puts this supplement, when taken in the suggested high doses, at 249. Which seems to be another case of something that is not as good as it sounds. You can accomplish something similar at a much lower cost - if you want, with...

DHLA Nano Plex Enhanced

DHLA is a fully reduced and thus immediately usable alpha lipoic acid. It has far superior free radical quenching power than even the previous best form of alpha lipoic acid, R-lipoic acid. What makes it even better is that it has been broken down into nano sized particles by probiotic fermentation.

In addition, it is frequency enhanced with vibratory energies, to further enhance absorption of DHLA into cancer cells. This reduced, nano sized and frequency enhanced alpha lipoic acid doesn't need a toxic heavy metal to help it get into cancer cells. Energy testing puts its cancer fighting ability at 248, virtually tied with the other product.

What DHLQ does once it gets into a cancer cell is increase the amount of energy going the mitochondria of that cell. Because cancer cells produce energy anaerobically, they have very low energy production, and no longer have the energy pathways that a healthy cell has to handle the increased energy. So the mitochondria in a cancerous cell eventually becomes damaged when the DHLA gets into the cell, and the cancer cell releases enzymes that initiate apoptosis, a programmed cell death.

Healthy cells produce much more energy, so have the pathways to handle the increased energy production. DHLA only helps them work better. Use 3 bottles a month for an early stage cancer, and 4 bottles a month for an advanced stage cancer.

Next we are going to take a look at how enzymes could help you beat cancer.

Reduce Free Radical Damage to Beat Cancer

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